Music Editing

Hello everyone ! Happy final week ! Rachel and I are nearly finished with our film opening,
we only have to add a few final touches, mainly the credits. I mentioned at the end of my
last post that I was “recomposing” our music so, I thought I’d go into my experience in
editing the music, “English Country Garden,” for our film.
I’d like to preface this with the fact that I am not in anyway an expert in editing music.
However, I would like to think that I have enough of a basic understanding of  music to
make it work for what we need.

The Process:

The first thing I did was familiarize myself with the music, I listened to it multiple
times to figure out the different patterns, unfortunately, I was not able to find any sheet
music to our song to better visualize what I was working with. Listening through it multiple
times was gonna have to suffice. My original plan was to take the middle of the music,
duplicate it, and then put the duplicated portion before the stinger at the end. But, upon listening
to the music further I decided that would not be the best option because of how the music
moves emotionally throughout the piece and it didn’t make sense to me to make the audience
listen to this musical journey twice. So I decided to focus on the patterns in the music instead.
I found that there was a tendency in the music to play a phrase and follow it with a phrase that
began very similar to the initial phrase but would then build and rise at the end. What I ended
up doing was selecting those “initial phrases” in the music, duplicating them, and essentially
having the phrase I chose play twice before the “rising and building phrase” played. I did all
of this on the iMovie mobile application on my phone;  by getting a video version of “English
Country Garden,” putting it into iMovie, cutting and duplicated the phrases I needed, and then
saving the video onto my phone and sending it to Rachel so she could separate the audio and
put onto her computer and eventually onto our film opening.

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