Since we want our film to be character driven it is only right that we find every bit of information we can
about lead characters in coming of age films. So I’ve compiled some research on solid protagonists that
I think will aid us greatly in constructing our own protagonist.
about lead characters in coming of age films. So I’ve compiled some research on solid protagonists that
I think will aid us greatly in constructing our own protagonist.
I’ll begin this catalog with my biggest inspiration for our film, Christine “Ladybird” MacPherson, she is
tall, with pink hair, very opinionated, and unafraid of sharing those opinions, she is stubborn and extremely
driven by what she wants. And what she wants is to grow up and leave her small town in Sacramento to
attend college in New York. Honestly one of my favorite aspects of this character is the fact that she has
colored hair, it makes her stand out amongst all the other people in her “boring” town. It reminds of how
in animes the protagonist always has the craziest most ridiculous hair so that you know they are destined
for greatness. I think that we will be spending a good amount of time developing the costume, makeup,
and hair design for our protagonist so she can stand out in her own unique way.
tall, with pink hair, very opinionated, and unafraid of sharing those opinions, she is stubborn and extremely
driven by what she wants. And what she wants is to grow up and leave her small town in Sacramento to
attend college in New York. Honestly one of my favorite aspects of this character is the fact that she has
colored hair, it makes her stand out amongst all the other people in her “boring” town. It reminds of how
in animes the protagonist always has the craziest most ridiculous hair so that you know they are destined
for greatness. I think that we will be spending a good amount of time developing the costume, makeup,
and hair design for our protagonist so she can stand out in her own unique way.
The next character I’d like to discuss is Veronica Sawyer played by none other than Winona Ryder.
Ryder spent a good portion of the late 80s and 90s type casted as the ideal “manic pixie dream girl”
not only in “Heathers” but in countless other films as well. However, her role as Veronica Sawyer really
caught my attention because of how the character managed to make such a dark and morbid movie simultaneously
be a movie about romance and transitioning into adulthood. Veronica is smart, mature, and empathetic;
in this film she must figure out where her loyalties lie and not get herself and her boyfriend sent to prison
in the process. The color blue is heavily associated with this Veronica, having a “signature” color paired
with a character will help not only make them memorable but also imitable by fans.
The last protagonist I want to present is a little different than the the other two, Simon Spier, from
the film “Love, Simon” (2018) is well first of all, a boy, he is awkward, dramatic, passionate, and
emotional. As much as I love his character I don’t think our protagonist will be very much like
emotional. As much as I love his character I don’t think our protagonist will be very much like
Simon, what drew me to discussing Simon is the story line he follows throughout his film. Simon
is a seventeen year old high school student struggling to accept his sexuality, throughout the film
he must go on an emotional journey of self-discovery and self-acceptance as he comes to terms
with being public about who he is after being outed by another student. I think that what Simon
stands for and the community he reaches in this film is very important in modern media and I would
love for our protagonist to be able to reach an audience like that in a similar fashion.
is a seventeen year old high school student struggling to accept his sexuality, throughout the film
he must go on an emotional journey of self-discovery and self-acceptance as he comes to terms
with being public about who he is after being outed by another student. I think that what Simon
stands for and the community he reaches in this film is very important in modern media and I would
love for our protagonist to be able to reach an audience like that in a similar fashion.
Finally I’m going to add this little picture that I drew of my vision of our protagonist I’m clearly
not too artistically inclined in this way but I thought it might be nice to add a visual.

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