Group Meeting #1 : who even is editing

Last class we were given the opportunity to meet with our peers in groups of about five
to discuss our ideas and give any tips and advice we had to offer. And let me tell you I
learned a lot ! Obviously we all come from different background and possess different
strengths so it was nice to hear from my classmates all the different things they would be
using or had knowledge in all of this allowed me to figuring out what I was missing or
where I fell short in my project. I realized how little I knew about editing software… and
editing in general. My fellow group members recommended me two editing softwares that
they enjoy using, Final Cut Pro and Premiere Pro. In addition I know that my partner has
iMovie, so we have a few options to research until we find a good fit for the purposes of
our project.

Final Cut Pro
To be honest I don’t really see my partner and I using this software since it is more on the
expensive side and purchasing it just wouldn’t the wisest financial decision. However, I am still
going to attach this video I found of how to use Final Cut Pro as I found it very informative. The
program itself seems very straightforward and easy to use and I’d actually really love to use it some day.
Premiere Pro
I think the most attractive part of Premiere Pro is the fact that I could get a good deal on a student
discount, during our group meeting one of my group members actually showed me on the adobe
website,, how to access this (you click the tab that says “creativity and design”
at the top of the website and then click on “students and teachers” and when you scroll down you can
see the different plans and discounts they offer) as someone with a very small budget this is extremely
appealing to my project. Premiere Pro does not seem very different from other editing programs it isn’t
too confusing as far as I’ve seen in my research so this is definitely a viable option for our film
opening. Also some really cool films such as “Deadpool” and “Gone Girl” were edited on Premiere
Pro which is absolutely insane. For consistency I’m going to attach a link to a Premiere Pro beginner
tutorial video that I found helpful.  

iMovie is great because we already have access to it since Rachel has it on her computer. It may
not be the fanciest editing software but it will surely get the work we need done. Our film opening
probably won’t rely very heavily on fancy and expensive editing so if we are unable to get one
of the other two editing programs we will definitely be looking to trusty iMovie to edit on. It also
doesn’t hurt that both my partner and I have experience editing on iMovie so it will be easier than
having to learn an entirely new software.

-andrea :)

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