I hopped back on the website horse with a positive mindset and I think it has really paid off. I figured out what I wanted from my website by looking at projects from previous years and was able to go in with a rough outline of what I needed to do.
I began by choosing a still from the short film to use as a background; I went with an image I felt was an iconic moment and visual. 
I stuck with my color scheme of black, white, and red for all the pages to further develop the branding I also created a little icon that I think could become part of the brand as well, it is a cake with a cross on top; I feel like these two symbols capture what the film is about well and could work for social media and the postcard which I think will be getting a makeover soon.

I have yet to finish the last page of the website which is the contact page since I want to actually create a twitter and instagram for the film. Also, I think this page is where the postcard will live on the website, so I need to finish that up and add it to the page. There will probably also be a link to the postcard available on the “screenings” page … for good measure.
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