Foreal Foreal Filming

First Day of Filming: CHECK ! Yesterday Rachel and I finally began shooting
and it was actually a lot of fun. We started off around 2:30, we went to Office
Depot and AC Moore to buy the last few props we needed which included a
pink pen and a bunch of fake flowers (that just so happened to be on sale !).
From there we went to our local public library and borrowed their last copy of
Moby Dick. We stayed at the library, since it was near our filming location, to do
any last minute props - the to-do list and the fluffy part of the pen- and we also did
all the hair and makeup in the back of the library, I was so worried that we would
get kicked out but we stayed very quiet  and courteous so none of the librarians,
or security, or other library goers seemed to mind to me curling Rachel’s hair.

At around 5:30 we headed towards our filming location, The Ridges, we spent
the next hour or so waiting for golden hour by setting up our garden of fake flowers,
practicing the staging of some of the shots, and making sure our tree was in fact climbable.

By 6:30 golden hour was finally coming around. Knowing we only had about an
hour before the sunset we really began to grind as much as we could, I had brought
copies of the storyboard and the script so we could both follow along. We had to
shoot all the shots in chronological order since we wanted to make sure the lighting
was realistic and the sun didn’t seem lower at the beginning than at the end , it also
helped us stay organized and not forget which shots we had already gotten and which
we had missed.

Everything was shot on my iPhone 7, so once we finished our day of filming
we headed back to Rachel’s house and immediately airdropped all the footage
to her Mac which was super efficient and simple. We looked through the footage
quickly to see which version of the shots would work best, and then I went home.
Rachel then continued to crop the videos and play around with saturation and color
grading. I’d say it was a pretty successful day of filming !

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