Location Scouting

Well, on a lighter note last Friday directly after school Rachel and I visited
various locations we thought would be suitable filming locations. We visited
three different locations and took loads and loads of pictures before deciding
on the best area for filming. We knew that we wanted a big field and obviously
a tree that would be easily climbable so we set out to find the perfect contender.

First we went to The Ridges. The Ridges is a gated community in our city; a
few months ago, I’d seen a photo of two girls in a field of blue flowers that
had been taken in the ridges. Since coming up with our idea I’ve had that
location in the back of my mind. Getting into The Ridges was a bit of a challenge
since neither Rachel nor I live there so we both had to reach out to absolutely
everyone we knew who lived there and finally after messaging about 7 people
the last person I contacted said it would be fine to use her address to get in. So
we made the 5 minute trek from school to this community and drove around for a
few minutes, unable to find this field of flowers we stopped at a playground instead.
This area was naturally very well lit, it  had a nice field of grass, and 3 trees we
thought might work for the purpose of our project.
The next location we visited was Tree Tops Park. To get to this park we had to leave
our city so it is slightly out of our way and on weekends and holidays there is an
entrance fee, making this location less attractive. However, this park is well known
for its extensive quantity of trees. We found a nice location near a lake that we got to
via bridge, it had many different trees that all seemed climbable, and pretty white
flowers sprouted out of the ground. I loved the little flowers on the ground and the
wooden bridge that led to this area, I felt they would perfectly fit our narrative; there
were also plenty of options for our trees. But, the problem with this location was
actually that there were too many trees and they blocked out the sunlight and made the
area look spooky rather than cheery, which is the tone we are striving for.
The last place we looked at was Vista View Park, this park is interesting because it’s
built on a landfill so it is extremely hilly which is uncommon for Florida we thought
this might make for more visually appealing shots. It’s about a 17 minute drive from
our city so not the most convenient location.  I’m currently in a boot due to a sprained
ankle so I was not able to walk up the hills in search of our location but, Rachel went
up and was able to facetime me to show me what she found. Unfortunately she didn’t
end up finding very much, because although the lighting was nice and there were little
flowers growing everywhere, all of the trees were too difficult to climb.
We have chosen to film at the Ridges since it is the location closest to us, there is
no entrance fee, the lighting is nice, and the trees are climbable. Here is the tree we
have chosen to star in our film opening.

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